Instagram Gameplay

Weighing her options, she decides to make a break for it rather than trying to keep up the stealth – it doesn’t sound like Lars is going to be able to hold them off for too long. (She can’t quite make it without provoking an attack of opportunity…Tempt it?) #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

Instagram Gameplay

Satiene opens the last crate to disappointingly find no additional vials of the condensed plasma. Looks like her gamble to look for more went completely wrong as her only exit is now blocked by the pair of Z-23s. She quickly activates her stealth suit and says a silent prayer that the droids don’t notice her and that the charge will conceal her long enough for them to leave. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram