PCs: Bubbles, Syphillus, Arius, AJ (new PC Kulon?) & Obozaya – pregen Vesk Soldier (Thor)
Absalom Station:
Spent next few days later exploring the station
Invitation to embassy of Eox by Gavarlosk Noor – for this afternoon
(Eox is a planet of Elebriens – a species who had to transform themselves to undead to avoid extinction)
Undead guards. Foyer with black marble and purplish light. We are only non-undead.
Escorted to His Excellence
Says he knows about the dispute over ship and “driftrock”
Offers himself as a mediator
Says we are neutral
Go to Aqion
Find out what happened to crew
Determine the value of cargo
And find out about the driftrock
Offers each of us 600 cred
Arius asked for 2000 cred w/ diplomacy 25
Also, a package for the embassy, which is now quarantined
Personal favor, will increase to 1100 cred each
Arius succeeded in getting agreement for 1400
The Aquion:
Package ever been to Absalom station
Package not dangerous, illegal or contraband
As we are leaving, message bot flies up and spits out a letter
Cordially invited to offices of Ms. Joss (a female Lashunta) in Blue Rise Tower (where the Astral Extractions are based)
Marketing preparations
Says Aquion hired by company to explore and get rights to minerals
To me, the rules seem very plausible as defined in the contract
Found a few weeks ago.
A month before then, it was hired out
Leaving there, another messenger – Captain Otao Sericce (a red-skinned human). Invites us to his ship
He is an unofficial spokesman for the Collective.
They value their independence and freedom; struggle against the corps
Believes the crew prob thought that if they brought it back, it wasn’t “staking a claim” for the Astral Extraction in the future, but rather, it was something that they brought back, and is loot.
He is not disputing the AE claim, and will return all information about exploration to them.
They didn’t hire gang to kill people, but to protect their own. The AE hired the gang.
Creel has a cousin that is in the Collective.
Freighter, medium sized – 4 engine
6-10 crew
To the Aquion
Shuttle is an upgraded Ringworks Wanderer station ship, called the Hippocampus
As we leave the Armada into the Quarantine Zone, I detect another ship leaving the Armada for the same destination
Tiny ship
Tiny Interceptor, called a Death’s Hand Necroglider
Message on transponder from Aquion
“Attention: Ship under quarantine. Do not approach.”
Entering into the airlock, found Akata
Found a corridor with signs of battle, and a body of a space goblin with throat torn out
Fought a lot of Akata, and some space goblines
Have found residue of Noqual
I restored ship functions
Got records
Discovery of driftrock
Found strange geods
Creatures hatched from the geods and attacked – descriptions are of the Akata
“Something else, it came from the rock. Will open ship to airlock, may do something.”
“Didn’t work – set autopilot to Absalom station. We are going to head to the rock.”
With that information, we returned to the airlock, only to find out that our shuttle was no longer there!!
Ari: Scythix (Vesk): Scrawny vesk with a large axe
AJ: Ajax (M Human): custom rig
David: Mize (M Asian human): Slight, fades into background, but has a papable presence. Working odd jobs to get on ship
Andrew: Bubbles (M Shirren): Iridescent green shell with a humped back which is a drone
Thor: Obozaya (F Vesk) – large Vesk solider
We are on a ship to Absalom Station, just coming out of Drift
Doravor Kreel (M. Dwarf):
Asked me to meet him about Starfinder Society
Landing on Absalom Station
Brightly lit station abuzz with activity!
Weapon fire suddenly erupts
Dwarf is killed
On datapad, only my name and description as well as “Chiskiss” and an address
Wardens come and say they recognize the people:
Gangbangers known as Level 21 crew and the Downside Kings
Address on datapad leads to Lorespire Complex
Offered to join SFS, and the first task is to investigate why we were ambushed – coincidence? Or were we targeted
A derelict ship Aqueons came with a driftrock in tow, and no crew!
Heard that the crew were either killed to keep a secret, or went mad and walked out the airlock
Two crews claim the rights:
(Astral Extraction – a powerful mining conglomeratge – centered in the Diaspora; recently hired a ship belonging to Hardscrabble Collective
Their public image is good, but they are known to hire criminals etc.
Hardscrabble Collective- the Aqeon; they are a clan of asteroid miners. They count the Armada as a central gathering place. Hire their crew out. Not really a clan, but a coalition of individuals.
They have hired the Level 21 gang to protect their interests
On Level 21 investigating
Stuffer shack encounter didn’t go so well after acosting some homeless patrons
Found a bodega with a fat halfing (Mama Fats) female proprietor that said she will let Jabaksa (Ysoki leader of the level 21 crew) that we are looking for him.
Downside King
Leader: Ferani Nadaz (ferocious woman)
Next morning, message for us at the Moon: 6 pm Bodega
Kings hired to threaten the Collective to hang over Aqueon and Driftrock
Doravor Kreel: Mid-level SFS, took interest in
Focused on mineral prospecting
Native of Diaspora
Ties to dwarves and other miners
Active in challenging corp
Personally invested in Collective
Cousing was part of Collective who died b/c Astral Extraction didn’t pay for safety
Back at Bodega: Ysoki Jabacksa and 2 humans
Jabacksa said Downside Kings aren’t rivals, just on opposite sides of employers right now.
Says Kings hang out at the bar Fusion Queen
Ferani only became leader a few months ago when she killed prior leader
Astral Extraction hires the Downside Kings – doesn’t know why they killed Doroval
Fashion Queen
Take out the bouncers
Loud nightclub inside
Disguised way in and took out 3 guards, one Vesk bodyguard, and Ferani
Datapad shows communique between Astral Extractions and Kings ordering gang to kill Dorvar Kreel as a message to Collective, and to keep SFS from getting too curious about Aqeon.
Return to Chisskiss
He will pass on information and advised us to stay away from Astral Extraction