Lars moves to cover the exit #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Collegium Ludiorum – The Guild of Gamers
An association of gamers dedicated to improving the art
Lars moves to cover the exit #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram
Jace makes a quick calculation on how much he still owes the Rodian, and calls for Lars to cover him while he breaks the glass to the power room and heads for the large crate there. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Looks like the Empire’s sent their droids to investigate the activity at the station. Do the crew have time to try and collect more of the valuable plasma? Or time to cut bait and run… #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Hearing from Jace about the containers, Satiene rummages through the one the engineer had tried to hide behind and collects the vials before moving to search the next room. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Meanwhile, Jace and Lars rummage through the crates and find the plasma split into tiny vials. They grab them and look around for more of the packaging containers. Where was the station planning to send them? #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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The engineer figures he isn’t paid nearly enough to risk his life so offers up his pistol in exchange in exchange for his life. Satiene glads accepts as the sound of a firefight would only hasten the arrival of the Empire. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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As Satiene moves to cover the now cowering engineer. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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He waves for Lars to go check the other container #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Perhaps that is what is inside the the storage crates… #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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Jace quickly extracts a sample of the condensed plasma from the reactor, but finds it only partially fills the bottle – they must have just recently drawn most of it out! #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame
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