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Galaxy Defenders Mission 3 – Star Tech: The rescued scientists tell HQ that their research on alien tech came from a nearby alien ship that had crashed two years prior. If they can recover some more of the items they were researching, it could prove to be extremely helpful in repelling this alien invasion!

HQ has already detected new activity at the remains of the ship, but the mission was too crucial to ignore. So the Agents are sent out once again.

#boardgames #galaxydefendersboardgame #gameplay #aresgames

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

Instagram Gameplay

So that’s the end of my first game with Core Space. I had a fun time playing it, and the rules were suitable easy and dramatic. It was a little slow on the start, but picked up quite rapidly at the end – I suspect it was because I was playing without a competing Crew that was also racing to search the boxes. I’ll definitely play it again and add in the variant rule for automating another Crew if someone else doesn’t want to play with me.

This shows the main playing area laid out on a 2’x3′ Level Up by #spidermindgames.

#boardgames #corespace #starwarsgame #battlesystems

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

Instagram Gameplay

Oh no! Right as Satiene’s stealth suit runs out of charge and she makes a break for the shuttle just a few meters away, a Lockdown of the station occurs – all doors on the station slam shut and lock! Game over for the crew… #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame #battlesystems

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

Instagram Gameplay

Either the engineer realizes the only way he was getting away was that the crew made it back to the shuttle, or it he just panicked at the site of the Empire’s killer droids, he probably doesn’t even know. He just found himself picking up the pistol Jace dropped and firing it at the battle droid. Unsurprisingly, his shot doesn’t even come close to hitting it. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame #battlesystems

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

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Satiene makes a break for it, but is wounded in the process. She rounds the corner to see Lars take down another droid with a flash of his carbine muzzle. Knowing she won’t be able to beat the droids to the shuttle, Satiene activates the last charge of her stealth suit, the low battery warning haunting her as she triggers it. #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame #battlesystems

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram

Instagram Gameplay

Maybe this security guard that came rushing to the sounds of combat will help the Crew? Nope, he barely was able to properly aim… Now, it looks like he will help in another way, by being the distraction the remaining crew needs to flee? #boardgames #corespace #gameplay #starwarsgame #battlesystems

posted on Collegium Ludiorum’s Instagram