Pathfinder Society #39–The Citadel of Flame

[Originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums 2010 Jan 27]

I’ve had the fortune of getting to game a lot over the past few weeks. Last weekend I got to run the Pathfinder Society mod The Citadel of Flame. It’s named after a temple to the devil Moloch that was buried 300 years ago after a group of Dervishes devoted to Sarenrae raided it in an attempt to stop the evil occuring there. After those 3 centuries, it has been re-discovered with worship of Moloch starting up once again.

I chose to run this mod because not only was it a lost temple, the “final room” had lava flowing onto the rocks and I could get to use both my RoTA and DOE Hellscape sets! Here’s some of the pictures.

The set of stairs in the large entry hall is supposed to represent a spiral staircase.

What in the devils is that thing?!?



They flying demon creature retreated across a gaping break in the bridge!BILD0954


The upper chambers where a portal to the Hells was opening!BILD0960

Overall layout of the temple – that “corridor” in the middle is secret room from which the party was watched and attacked.BILD0959


While preparing for the Pathfinder Society event, I ran a brief introductory D&D 4th edition game for some new players (plus one who had been out of RPGs since AD&D 2nd ed). I threw together a quick lair of a gnomish experimenter who had stumbled upon a way to create automata that when crazy!


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