Pathfinder Society #11–The Riddle

[Another old post whose pictures I recently dug back up. Originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums 2009 Dec 26. Game date 2009 Dec 20]

I just started a Pathfinder Society group in Indy. For the first mod, I looked for something that would showcase the Return of the Ancients set. PFS #11 is called the Third Riddle and it takes place in a Giant Sphinx – perfect! The blurb reads:

When Pathfinder Colm Safan entered the Nethys-linked heart of the fabled dungeon known as the Ravenous Sphinx, the Pathfinder Society expected to solve one of Osirion’s greatest riddles. Months passed with no word from Safan, and you and your fellow Pathfinders find yourselves dispatched into the desolate wastes of Osirion’s notorious Parched Dunes to find the sphinx, find Safan, and uncover the mystery he sought. With a band of cloaked riders on your trail and a trap-filled dungeon ahead, will you solve the third riddle before time runs out?

The adventure was fun – a few times it got fairly hairy, but the PC’s succeeded.

For the water, I just googled for an image of water, print it out, and cut to desired shape.






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