Storm King’s Thunder #1 – A Great Upheaval 1

  1. GM: Andrew (DCI #:5109855060)
  2. Players:
    1. Sparlock (Chad): Half-elf Warlock Hexblade 1
    2. Zarr (Daniel): Half-elf Bard 1
    3. DAL 59 (DAL): Human Wizard 2
    4. Phenaus (Brandon): Dwarf Cleric (Grave) 1
    5. Arara (Wolffine): Drow Sorcerer 1
  3. 1485 DR: The Year of the Iron Dwarf’s Vengeance
  4. Nightstone: A fortified settlement located a few miles south of the Ardeep Forest, in the untamed hills between Waterdeep and Daggerford.
    1. 5 traveling companions are making their way there after having heard rumors of goblins terrorizing the settlement. The High Steward of Nightstone, Lady Velrosa Nandar, a Waterdhavian noble has offered a reward to anyone able to deal with the goblin threat.
    2. Leaving the main road for the trail to Nightstone, the more perceptive of the group begin to hear the tolling of a bell a few miles into the 10 mile journey. It continues unceasingly for the remainder of the trip…
    3. Cresting the last hill reveals the town situated on a small rise in the middle of a large river, forming a natural moat. A wooden palisade surrounds it, with a lowered drawbridge flanked by stone watchtowers. Further to the right, a stone keep overlooking the village is partially collapsed; likewise the wooden bridge that connects the keep to the village.
    4. No activity other than the continuous ringing of the bell is seen or heard.
  5. Goblins!
    1. Making their way through the towers into the abandoned town square, the group encounter a pair of large wolves tearing at the corpse of a dog – no doubt, an unlucky pet. Noticing the arrival of the group, the wolves aggressively attack!
    2. The sounds of fighting draw out several goblins from the surrounding buildings! More mayhem ensues, but the party is victorious in vanquishing the little monsters.
    3. Curiously, there are enormous 5-foot rocks scattered among the town square – as well as similar boulders smashing through the roof and walls of several of the buildings. There is also a large gouge in the ground some 6 feet deep in the center of the square.
    4. Investigating the buildings leads the group to find a pair of goblins swinging from the bell-rope in the church. The entranced goblins have long since been deafened by the bell over the past several hours that they don’t even notice the party.
    5. Questioning a captured goblin, she reveals that “Boss Hark” sent them to the human’s home 2 nights ago to look for treasures when the humans came to their home in the caves o the north. The goblins didn’t kill the humans here, and she doesn’t know why they went to their home. Letting her live, she tells them her home is in the dripping caves a mile north of the village.
    6. The party barricades themselves in a building to rest.
  6. Epilogue:
    1. XP: 10 Goblins (50 xp each) & 2 Worgs (100 XP each) = 700 XP Total; 700/5=140 Each
    2. Treasure:
      1. Goblins carry:
        1. Stolen utensils


          3 Vials of perfume


          Battered copper flagon emblazoned with grinning visage of a halfing


          gold wedding ring




          3 blocks of incense


          Silver amulet shaped like a unicorn’s head


          “poor box”


          Sack of food!

        2. 81.91/5=16.382
    3. Downtime: 5

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