Old Dwarven Forge Pictures-Misc

Another repost with pictures… This was probably the biggest layout I had made up until that point. I had been collecting DF for a several years, but didn’t really have chances to use it reguarly or often until then.


[Originally posted on Dwarven Forge forums 2007 Dec 15. Game date 2007 Jan 27.]

More random pics from the days before that Star Wars game…

This was taken during a Living Greyhawk mod I was running

1) The two parts (i didn’t have enough room to connect them): The abandoned mines the goblins were using as a hideout (in the background) which led to the underground pool slightly lower (in the foreground)


2) Even before entering into the mines, the PC’s have discovered the goblins’ penchant for traps…


3) … especially for Stump, the dwarvedn rogue/fighter who manages to fail something like 15 Reflex saves in a row.


4) Fighting one of the goblin shaman’s and his pet


5&6) The pool room which even the goblins avoid…



7) … because of the Otyugh that lives there!! (well… ok, so i didn’t have to correct mini… 😎


8) AJ having fun with the DF afterwards


Old Dwarven Forge Pictures–Fane of Tiamat

This was originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums. At the time I had been playing a lot of Living Greyhawk, and they had allowed some of the commerical products to be used in home LG games. The Red Hand of Doom was a well written, and quite fun module that I ran my home group through. Looking for the pictures to repost, hard to imagine that was almost 10 years ago now!

There was also a project undertaken by the forum folks to build a mapping program by taking pictures of the tiles from above and make renderings from them. It was called TileMapper and worked very well. Its not in development anymore as there is a DF produced version with the successful kickstarters now.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been around – been having a great gaming since I got a regular group together…

For the past 9 months, I’ve been running them through Red Hand of Doom as a Living Greyhawk campaign. It’s been a blast, and now they’re about ready to head off to the BBEG’s HQ, so it’s my chance to show off some more DF once again!

Thanks the TileMapper crew, I’ve been able to preplan the map and I wanted to get some feedback about it before we play in a couple of week. Rater than try to recreate the map exactly, I went for a similar feel while making it doable with DF. Specifically, are there any suggestions for the hallway between room 3 and 4?

Fane of Tiamat level 1


Fane of Tiamat level 1_Draw