Princes of the Apocalypse #1

[Game date: 2016 Mar 26]

(Law starting a new D&D 5E campaign for us to try out. Here is our story which he has written. I posted it here for our reference.)

A group of friends living in Waterdeep were summoned to Red Larch to help an acquaintance of Hoggle. Traveling as a group, Hoggle, Korek, Brother Faruk and Pitus the Fourth made the week long journey to Red Larch. When they arrived, they heard rumors of banditry and robberies as well as strange occurrences happening at a place called Lance Rock.

Needing money to purchase splint mail, Hoggle convinced the constable to offer a reward for helping to clear out some bandits. Heading to a site of known bandits, the group stumbled upon a gang of four bandits and a caged bear. While sneaking in for a closer look, Korek literally stumbled and the fight was on. During the fight the bear broke free of his cage and began to wreak havoc across the battlefield. In the end, both beast and bandit were defeated and Hoggle had enough gold to purchase his armor from the friendly neighborhood half-orc arms dealer.

Not content with dealing with bandits, the heroic party decided to investigate the rumors of strange occurrences at Lance Rock. Approaching the stone, they came upon a sign warning them to stay away else they contract the plague. Ignoring reason, the party pressed on and found a cave near the base of the rock. Wandering in, they encountered zombies and skeletons as they tried to find the root cause of the disturbances. Strategically retreating more than once and almost succumbing to a roaming wolf pack, the party finally encountered the Lord of Lance Rock who bid them to leave him in peace. Being the prudent and accommodating heroes that they are, the group decided to retreat one last time and allow the “Lord” to escape. When they returned, all they found were a few skeletons they quickly dispatched and a hovering stone with an unknown sigil that disappeared after the stone was removed. They returned to Red Larch, warning the townsfolk to beware of the Lord of Lance Rock and with pockets every so slightly heavier.

OOC: The party currently consists of 2 rogues, 1 bard, and 1 wizard. Seems tank/fighter light.

Everyone should be at level 2 now.

Background is randomly determined, if you roll 1d12 I can let you know your character background.

Starting equipment is based off choices from class and background, no starting gold unless otherwise stated.

Point buy is fine.

Healer makes life easier. Not sure if you had Cure Wounds Andrew.

Allowed to change anything about character until level 3.

HP after 1st level will be rolled in my presence. Roll or half, whichever is higher.

Total Gold for the night and special treasure (including any you have already spent)

25gp for bandit ears

99cp/74sp/113gp for bandit treasure

165sp/78gp from Lance Rock

4x 50gp gems from Lance Rock


Total: 99cp/238sp/416gp

Divide by 4

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