Dark*Matter: Manuel “Percival” Archuleta

Law offered to run a game in our Dark*Matter Campaign, so I got to create a PC to play! As the other PCs are currently about ~70 XP, my PC started with 40 XP (8 advances). So here is Manuel “Percival” Archuleta

Manuel is an American-born fillipino. Because of all his troubles in school and with the law (having been arrested a few times), his family sent him to the Phillipines to live with his extended family. There, he didn’t fare much better, and got involved with the various street gangs that plagued Manilo. He was a father by age 18, and that stabilized his life a little. Nevertheless, it was not enough that he could be a good father regardless of how much he loved his daughter and found he was becoming a grandfather before his 35th birthday.

Going to visit his daughter and her mother one evening, he arrived at a scene of horror – their gruesomely mutilated corpses amongst a dozen others, and a pack of demonic beasts ravaging the village. He managed to survive fighting off the beasts with the aid of a priest who had been hunting the creatures, which was led by an Aswang. The priest, it turned out, was a member of the Templarios – a sect within the Church that rooted out and destroyed such beasts of hell.

It was a turning point for Archuleta, and he dedicated himself to the fighter against such evil, and was christened by Father Ricardo as Percival.

  1. Human
  2. Stats
    1. Str d4
    2. Agi d10
      1. Fighting d10 (4)
      2. Shooting d6 (2)
      3. Driving d4 (1)
    3. Vigor d4
    4. Smarts d6
      1. Streetwise d6 (2)
      2. Notice d6 (2)
    5. Spirit: d10
      1. Faith d10 (4)
  3. Hindrances: 1 Major or 2 minor
    1. Code of Honor: Catholic
    2. Minor Vow: Chastity
    3. Bad Eyes: -2 beyond 10 yards
  4. Advances
    1. Two-Fisted
    2. Arcane Background (Miracles)
      1. Deflection
      2. Smite
    3. Str d6
    4. Vig d6
    5. Martial Artist
    6. Adept
    7. New Power: Healing
    8. New Power: Puppet

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