Old Dwarven Forge Pictures-Misc

Another repost with pictures… This was probably the biggest layout I had made up until that point. I had been collecting DF for a several years, but didn’t really have chances to use it reguarly or often until then.


[Originally posted on Dwarven Forge forums 2007 Dec 15. Game date 2007 Jan 27.]

More random pics from the days before that Star Wars game…

This was taken during a Living Greyhawk mod I was running

1) The two parts (i didn’t have enough room to connect them): The abandoned mines the goblins were using as a hideout (in the background) which led to the underground pool slightly lower (in the foreground)


2) Even before entering into the mines, the PC’s have discovered the goblins’ penchant for traps…


3) … especially for Stump, the dwarvedn rogue/fighter who manages to fail something like 15 Reflex saves in a row.


4) Fighting one of the goblin shaman’s and his pet


5&6) The pool room which even the goblins avoid…



7) … because of the Otyugh that lives there!! (well… ok, so i didn’t have to correct mini… 😎


8) AJ having fun with the DF afterwards


Old Dwarven Forge Pictures–Fane of Tiamat

This was originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums. At the time I had been playing a lot of Living Greyhawk, and they had allowed some of the commerical products to be used in home LG games. The Red Hand of Doom was a well written, and quite fun module that I ran my home group through. Looking for the pictures to repost, hard to imagine that was almost 10 years ago now!

There was also a project undertaken by the forum folks to build a mapping program by taking pictures of the tiles from above and make renderings from them. It was called TileMapper and worked very well. Its not in development anymore as there is a DF produced version with the successful kickstarters now.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been around – been having a great gaming since I got a regular group together…

For the past 9 months, I’ve been running them through Red Hand of Doom as a Living Greyhawk campaign. It’s been a blast, and now they’re about ready to head off to the BBEG’s HQ, so it’s my chance to show off some more DF once again!

Thanks the TileMapper crew, I’ve been able to preplan the map and I wanted to get some feedback about it before we play in a couple of week. Rater than try to recreate the map exactly, I went for a similar feel while making it doable with DF. Specifically, are there any suggestions for the hallway between room 3 and 4?

Fane of Tiamat level 1


Fane of Tiamat level 1_Draw

Old Dwarven Forge Pictures–First Battle

I’ve been going through my old Dwarven Forge posts on the forums and remembered that a lot of the old pictures were deleted during a software error around 3 years ago. I have many of them still, so decided to repost them to my blog for future interest. This was also incentive for me to go through my old pictures and files to clean up my hard drive and organize.

[Originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums 2004 Nov 24]

My first real use of the Dwarven Forge stuff in my home D&D game. I didn’t have enough floor pieces to really re-create the large cavern, so I used the battlemat as the base and the DF stuff for walls and a raised area.

This was for our first and longest running D&D 3.0 game – the Frozen North. They PCs had ended up in Wallachia, Ravenloft, after tracking down the “funny man” – a Vampire that was kidnapping children. He lived in a cavern that was made of pourous volcanic rock. His “coffin” was inside the raised porous rock, and when reduced to 0 hp and turned into gaseous form, he retreated under it, making it quite an ordeal for them to get to his body before he regenerates.

Pictures Taken 2004 Aug 28







New gamers!

My friend’s kids have gotten to the age where they can “get” TTRPG. As others have noted, with the popularity of MineCraft, many middle-school aged kids now are very familiar with the D&D tropes (hit points, experience points, leveling, skeletons and monsters, etc!), so it’s a small jump to tabletop RPGs.
This weekend, we had a little gaming convention with a bunch of friends; as a prelude, I ran the little ones through some introductory D&D games. I gave them free reign with Dwarven Forge tiles to build some layouts, then gave them a scenario.
The farmers from the outlying fields to the west failed to show at the last few market days; travelers from that direction gave reports of monsters lurking in the tall unharvested corn stalks. Since the Greyhawk Wars two decades ago, the adolescent PCs were the only able bodied men and women in Hommlett who could be spared to go an investigate…

First game for Lee boys!
First game for Lee boys!

Rise of the Runelords–The Shadow Clock, Part 2

[Game date: 2014 Feb 02]

  1. Session 19
    1. Date: 2014 Feb 2

                                                              i.      PCs: Camla, Derik, Gragdar, Vaelmorn, Dikembe (Shoanti barbarian played by a guest player)

    1. Returned to Townhouse

                                                              i.      Took bats with use of darkness, and managed to return without attracting too much attention.

                                                            ii.      Carried bodies of Ironbriar and Xanesha

    1. Met with Lord-Mayor

                                                              i.      Filled him in, and he fainted. Removed magical ruffle.

                                                            ii.      Convinced him by taking guards to Sawmill and showing evidence of Ironbriar’s journal

                                                          iii.      Got rewarded.

                                                          iv.      Met his personal bodyguard, Markinen.

1.      Met Four-Tooth, Lieutenant of the guards

2.      Met Dirk, sergeant of guards

                                                            v.      Invited to a ceremonial dinner

                                                          vi.      Got a writ from temple of Sarenrae to have Restorations cast

    1. After resting, went with Dirk to collect evidence at Clock Tower

                                                              i.      Waited outside as guards went in and encountered Scarecrow.

                                                            ii.      Went in and defeated it

                                                          iii.      Valemorn levitated with Camla to top.

                                                          iv.      Gragdar climbed stairs and triggered bells falling. Barely survived, but many on ground perished.

                                                            v.      They cleared out the clocktower

    1. At the dinner party, were honored.

                                                              i.      Lord Mayor then asked them to look into a small matter with the Black Arrows. They are a group of rangers based out of Fort Rannick that keep the ogres and giants from the Storval Plateau in check. They have missed sending reports the past few months. The last messages from the hamlet of Turtleback Ferry indicate that they hadn’t been seen in several weeks.

    1. Return to Sandpoint

                                                              i.      Camla requests and gets Tsuto’s body to return to Ameiko for burial.









Rise of the Runelords–The Shadow Clock

[Game date: 2013 Dec 26]

  1. Session 18:
    1. Date: 2013 Dec 26
      1. Players: Camla, Derrik, Gragdar, Vaelmornhttp://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/208290/the-shadow-clock.jpg
    2. Rested in Sawmill for the evening. The following morning, they released the assumed messenger ravens found on the rooftop and followed them by riding on Vaelmorn’s giant Bats. It led the group to a rickety clocktower in the Underbridge.
    3. Assault on Clocktower

                                               i.     Vaelmorn and Camla leapt into the top floor through an open doorway. As they did so, a demon appeared in a cloud of smoke and lightning, accompanied by the smell of pungent sulfur.





                                             ii.    Seeing the fight, the others followed in on the second bat, but Derrik was suspicious and stayed out of combat, instead spending 3 rounds detecting evil. It paid off as he realized that the demon was just an illusion! And the true source of evil was just behind them! Just as the Paladin tried to warn his companions…




                                           iii.     The other demoic being cast off her clock of invisibility – a woman from the waist up, and a large snake below; Xanesha as she was known attacked Camla from behind, the devastating blow almost killing the man outright.




                                            iv.     The group shifted their attention to her. Gragdar’s undead hosts bore the brunt of her deadly spear attacks, giving the others time to reform battle lines.




                                             v.     A decisive use of the Blindness spell by Gragdar allowed them to finally close and surround Xanesha without provoking the deadly attacks of opportunity, even though she was able to remove Blindness on her next action.




                                            vi.    Lots of magical summons and Xanesha was trapped; boxed in by the confines of the small tower made her unable to use her spear. The naga resorted to the use of powerful magics, with particular benefit of Scorching Ray, to the chagrin of Vaelmorn.




                                          vii.     The heroes eventually succeed in killing her and find in her possession a letter from “Lucrecia”.




    1. Taking stock of their situation, they are deciding whether to explore rest of the Clocktower, or return to the Mayor.




Here’s the overview of the DF layout – as it was just the top floor of a clocktower, I used just the minimul of pieces. This picture is of when Camla and Vaelmorn leaped into the open doorway from atop the flying giant bat.



I ran Xanesha as written in the re-released Rise of the Runelords hardback version (Rogue 1). She is the first creature the group has fought with a base 6d12 combat dice; combined with her magical spear and her spellcasting, she was quite a formidable opponent. An illusory deman, and invisible sneak attack on Camla brought down half the group; later, two 8d6 Scorching Ray attacks on Vaelmorn brought the pain.

Rise of the Runelords–Sawmill

[Game dates: 2013 Dec 07]

    1. Session 16:
      1. Date: 2013 Dec 07

                                                   i.     PCs: Camla, Derik, Vaelmorn, Gragdar

      1. Meeting with the Mayor

                                                   i.     Heroes meet with Mayor Haldomeer Groboras in City Hall, where they are informed that one of the Magnimarian Justices is leading the hunt for the murderers.

                                                 ii.     Justice Ironbriar is summoned and they meet a stern tall elf. Unbeknownest to them, he is also the leader of the cult of the Brothers behind the murders – of whom Aldern was only a puppet.

      1. Assault on the Sawmill

                                                   i.     They manage to track down which sawmill and then try to gain entry, but are turned away. Derrik detects evil in the workers.

                                                 ii.     They decide to scout, and fly on bats to rooftop, where they sneak in through the messenger raven coop.

                                               iii.     They drop into the main floor, where they find Justice Ironbriar! He is surrounded by cultists in the midst of a ritual murder. In addition, they see Lyrie and Tsuto are part of the group!







                                                iv.     Vaelmorn drops in, and puts up darkness, but finds that it is repeatedly countered by Daylight. The fight is touch and go, leading to the destruction of most of Gragdar’s undead horde, but they prevail in the end.








I thought that Ironbriar would be an ideal Inquisitor – not only the NPC background of a stern Justice, but specifically the Infiltrator that defeats the pesky Paladin’s Detect Evil. And with the high-crit Elven Curveblade, and the ability to make it Keen and Bane, he was a formidable opponent. Adding on his followers, plus Tsuto and Lyrie (whom’s freedom he saw to – and who warned him about the drow’s Darkness abilities), the encounter turned out quite challenging and fun for all.


Elf Inquisitor (Infiltrator/Preacher) 8
NE Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +13; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +6 Dex)

DEF +9 DR 8 / 10 (magic)
hp 58 (8d8+8); judgement of profane healing 3
hp 69

Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +10; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities judgement of profane protection +2; DR judgement of profane resiliency 2: magic; Immune sleep; Resist elven immunities, judgement of profane purity +2, judgement of profane resistance 6 (fire)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Elven Curveblade +14/+9 (1d10+2/18-20/x2)
Melee keen BANE +1 Elven Curveblade +16/+11 (1d10+2 + 2d6 bane/18-20/x2 – 15-20 w/ keen edge)

Special Attacks bane (+2 / 2d6) (8 rounds/day)

Spell-Like Abilities Detect Alignment (At will),

Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 8):
3 (2/day) Keen Edge*, ??, Ward the Faithful* (+2 to AC and +2 to saves)
2 (5/day) Litany of Defense (double defense), Hold Person (DC 14), Invisibility, See Invisibility
1 (5/day) Doom (DC 13), Shield of Faith, True Strike, ??, Protection from Law
0 (at will) Resistance, Daze (DC 12), Detect Poison, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Bleed (DC 12)
Str 12, Dex 24, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 23
Feats Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round), Improved Initiative, Toughness +8, Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +11, Heal +7, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (arcana) +6 (+8 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +7 (+9 to determine the properties of a magic item), Stealth +18, Survival +2, Use Magic Device +2 Modifiers
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ domains (murder), elven magic, judgement (3/day), Combat Gear; Other Gear MW Mithral Chain shirt, +1 Elven Curveblade, wand of daylight (10 charges) 150 GP
Special Abilities
Bane (+2 / 2d6) (8 rounds/day) (Su) Make the weapon you are holding a bane weapon. Swift to change type.
Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Determination (3 / day) (Ex): free action

– Aggression: Re-roll attack roll

– Defense: Immediate action to get +4 DEF

– Warning: If ally hit, can force reroll of attack

Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities – Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.

Inquisition (Justice):

– Judicious Force (2/day) (Su): +4 confirmation roll for crit if you or ally w/I 10 ft makes threat.

– Chains of Justice (1/day) (Su): bind opponent w/I 60 ft w/ spectral chains (Will negates). Damage is mirrored to both.

Judgements (3 times / day): Can use 2 @ 8th level

– Profane Destruction +3 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Profane Healing 3 (Su) Fast Healing
Profane Justice +2 (Su) Attack bonus
Profane Piercing +3 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Profane Protection +2 (Su) AC bonus
Profane Purity +2 (Su) Save bonus
Profane Resiliency 2: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Profane Resistance 6 (Fire) (Su) Energy Resistances
Profane Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Misdirection (Sp): Detects as a LN elf.

Necessary Lies (Su): +8 on saves vs. lie detection

Second Judgement (3/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.

Tactics HERO POINTS: 1

Before Combat Before combat starts, casts keen edge, shield of faith for +3 deflection, and Ward the Faithful

During Combat

1st round: Uses Judgment (swift) for Protection and Resiliency, Standard for Chains of Justice, Move to Melee

2nd round: Swift action to use bane

– Litany of Defense if going into melee (Doubles armor DR?)

– Judicious Force to get +4 to confirm.

Rise of the Runelords–Magnimar

[Game dates: 2013 Nov 30]

  1. Session 16:
    1. Date: 2013 Nov 30

                                               i.     PCs: Camla, Derik, Vaelmorn, Gragdar, Sharptooth (another friend took over running the goblin)

    1. Sandpoint

                                               i.    Returning to Sandpoint, they decided to keep Aldern’s death and subsequent undeath a secret.

                                             ii.     Camla went to store to get an airbladder for Gragdar’s newest goblin ghast acquisition

1.     Ven asked if they caught who did it.

2.     Camla couldn’t hold it in and said yes, and that he was punished. Ven retired crying and thanking Camla.

3.     He saw Orik in the shop with Shayliss, and Orik helped him find the bladder.

                                           iii.     They filled in the Sheriff and Mayor.

1.     They requested that everyone be armed and trained. Mayor said it’ll have to be run by the elders.

                                            iv.     They got a card reading by Madame Mvashti

                                             v.     They got summoned by Brodert and told more history about the Sihedron, as well as that some kids went to Chopper’s Isle and found an opening.

                                            vi.     Heroes decided to go to Magnimar as soon as possible.

    1. Magnimar

                                               i.     Camla and Derik went to Aldern’s house disguised as Aldern and a guard. They got to the upscale Naos neighborhood, and paid for a porter to clear the way for them to the townhouse.

                                             ii.     The others flew in by bat and walked in. They had trouble getting through the guards at Naos, and had to sneak in.

                                           iii.     Camla and Derik arrive at the house, and bluff their way in. But are shocked at suddenly seeing Iesha in there. And then are ambused by the “servants” – all four of them turning out to be faceless stalkers!

                                            iv.     Vaelmorn, Gragdar, and Sharptooth arrive in time to turn the tide of battle.

                                             v.     They manage to capture one alive, and questioning him, learn that they were hired by Aldern, but knew of his transformation. They also learn that Aldern had a visit from a woman and a pale elf some 4 months previous. They find the deed to the house, and the mention again of the Brothers and the Seven’s Sawmill.







Rise of the Runelords–Misgivings

(Pictures originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums)

[Game date: 2013 Nov 23]

  1. Session 15:
    1. Date: 2013 Nov 23
      1. Players: Derrik, Camla, Gragdar, Vaelmorn, Ameiko (played by Mark, a friend of Camla’s player)
    2. Misgivings basement
      1. Following Iesha into a very large cavern opening, they see in the distance the figure of Aldern with several undead around him.
        1. He is crouched down and sobbing over what had become of Iesha. She is cradling him as he begs her forgiveness, telling her that it was “the Hurter”, and “the Brothers” that has caused all their problems.
          1. They barely recognize the cowardly fop whom they had saved from the goblin attack on Sandpoint during the Swallowtail Festival; the same magmanious noble with whom they had gone boar hunting. True, he wore the same finery, but now the blue and gold was ripped and stained with substances beyond just dried blood. The hands covering his face were wasted and gangrenous, the nails elogated into gore-encrusted claws – and an nauseating odor to match.


        1. As he catches sight of the group however, Aldern’s demeanor suddenly changes, eyes focused on Gragdar.
          1. The man straightens and enthusiatically greets his “greatest friend – the powerful and most excellent of warriors, Gragdar!” with Iesha completely forgotten.
          2. To show off his devotion to the ork priest, he points out a table behind him – now a shrine bearing Gragdar’s missing javelins, a pair of his gloves, what appear to be tufts of hair, and his name written in dried blood.
          3. He beckons for Gragdar to approach “and join us in consummating our… our hunger…”
          4. Stirring from whatever human pity she had remaining, Iesha shrieks out in rage and strikes at the remanants of her husband.
          5. At this, Aldern reaches up and pulls apart what appears to be a mask composed of strips of dried flesh – underneath which, Gragdar’s face stares back at the group!
        2. Combat ensues with the ghoul servants attacking Iesha as she rakes at Aldern and he rushes towards Gragdar.
          1. Vaelmorn casts darkness on a javelin and hurls it at Iesha, covering her and the 3 ghouls attacking her.
          2. As they fought, Derrik sees a strangely humanoid shape on a wall of fungus near the table; he realizes that it somehow is his own shadow! He must eat feed on the fungus to reclaim his stolen shadown, but resists the compulsion with a great force of will.


        1. The fight is quickly over, with Aldern defeated. They cut his body up and toss it into the whirlpool. Dying, his form reverts to that of the ghoul, and his face turning back into a mask of stitched dired flesh. They take the gruesome mask. They also find a note implicating “the Brothers of Seven” and a “Xanesha”.


      1. They burn down the fungal growth, and leave.
        1. Aldern now dead, Iesha’s spirit passes on, and the revenant collaspes. They bury her body in the yard of the manorhouse.


Rise of the Runelords–Misgivings

(Originally posted on the Dwarven Forge forums)

[Game date: 2013 Nov 11 – didn’t play d/t player illness]

In damp foundations of Foxglove’s manorhouse, ancient construction leads to some caves, inhabited by the same undead.

Listen, in the distance, is that them?WP_20131111_012



And what’s beyond that cave mouth?


Overview of the layout. Mixtures of the resin Caverns sets and the Chamber of Sorrows from DF’s KS 1.
